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KonzerteRock & Pop

TEMPERANCE supp.: special guests: IGNEA - INDUCTION, Hamburg

Mo. 17.03.25 19:00 Uhr
Logo, Grindelallee 5, 20146 Hamburg

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From Hermitage to Europe Tour TEMPERANCE is where exceptional vocal melodies, energetic eetal guitar riffing and symphonic atmospheres meet in perfect harmony. Led by a unique vocal triad, TEMPERANCE manages to unite heaviness with an impressive level of catchy melodies that will make you want to push the repeat button instantly. Different from most Symphonic Metal bands, TEMPERANCE brings together no less than three vocalists, all adding their own style and flavor to the ensemble. Expanding their lineup with professional opera/metal singer and vocal coach Kristin Starkey (Twilight Force), the essence of charismatic singer Michele Guaitoli (Visions of Atlantis & ERA) and mastermind singer/guitarist Marco Pastorino (Serenity) reaches a higher level.

Einlass: 18:30 Uhr

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