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Specters: Trifles and the American Dream - University Players, Hamburg

Sa. 01.02.25 19:30 Uhr
Universität Hamburg (Audimax), Von-Melle-Park 4, 20146 Hamburg

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By Susan Glaspell and Edward AlbeeGender, power, and the dark side of the American Dream: Experience the domestic horrors and social critiques of TRIFLES and THE AMERICAN DREAM in this riveting double bill of U.S. American theater masterpieces.TRIFLES / Directed by Charlie Bierend and Lydia PreuschIn a quiet, isolated farmhouse, a man has been murdered in his sleep. As the women in the play uncover subtle clues that reveal what really happened, the male officers dismiss these as insignificant 'trifles.” Keenly aware of the hidden horrors within the home, the women quietly take justice into their own hands. Glaspell’s gripping and atmospheric drama delves into the intricate power dynamics of justice and gender. This production breathes new life into the 1916 classic, draws striking parallels between past and present gender roles, and illuminates the complexities of today’s #tradwife culture. An evocative staging of a timeless play!THE AMERICAN DREAM / Directed by Felix KrebsMommy, Daddy, Grandma, and a 'professional woman” without profession inhabit a world stripped of meaningful relationships. There’s no child, no understanding of the 'professional woman’s” purpose, and confusion about whose mother Grandma is. As the chilling truth about an adopted child’s fate unfolds, the moral and emotional bankruptcy at the core of this so-called family is revealed. Albee’s darkly comic satire portrays a grotesque reality where the obsession with material wealth has hollowed out the facade of the 'perfect American family.” Our production of the 1961 play underscores the disintegration of human connection caused by the relentless pursuit of financial success.Experience these two sharp, thought-provoking works back-to-back!

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