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1914 - Anthems for doomed Youth, Osnabrück

Do. 13.03.25 20:00 Uhr
Bastard Club, Buersche Str. 8, 49074 Osnabrück

Weitere Informationen und Tickets ab 26,40 €

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Informationen zur Veranstaltung

Prepare for an intense night of unfiltered metal with two heavyweights of the scene!

UA 1914 (Ukraine) brings their acclaimed blackened death/doom sound, driven by brutal tales from the trenches of World War I. Known for their crushing albums Where Fear and Weapons Meet and The Blind Leading the Blind, 1914’s music is a relentless journey into the horror, fear, and fate of soldiers who endured unimaginable hardship. Their tracks blend blackened death metal with doom and sludge, creating a dark, atmospheric experience that feels as haunting as it is powerful. Each song is a dive into history, and each riff hits like artillery—don’t miss their brutal return to Berlin.

DK Opening the night is Denmark’s Katla, a force of doom, sludge, and black metal straight from the Scandinavian underground. Since 2018, this Copenhagen-based trio has conquered festivals like Wacken Open Air and Copenhell, delivering crushing riffs and intense live energy. Their raw, sludgy doom sound, paired with filthy vocals and chaotic energy, captures the spirit of bands like Conan, Electric Wizard, and Sleep. For fans of pure, unapologetic heaviness, Katla’s performance will be a visceral experience.

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Weitere Termine

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    So. 16.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
    ab 26,40 €
  • 1914 - Anthems for doomed Youth
    Dresden, HD - Die Rock & Metalbar
    Mi. 19.03.25, 19:30 Uhr
    ab 26,70 €
  • 1914 - Anthems for Dooomed Youth Tour 2025
    Dresden, HD - Die Rock & Metalbar
    Mi. 19.03.25, 20:00 Uhr
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