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The Classic Guided Tour (English Tour), Lübeck

Sa. 28.12.24 11:30 Uhr
Treffpunkt: Tourist-Information Lübeck, Holstentorplatz 1, 23552 Lübeck

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Come and experience Lubeck’s charme, join us on our walk to the city’s sights on the island of the old town which measures about two square-kilometers.
We will visit the world famous medieval buildings from Lubeck’s great times as queen of the Hanseatic League - the Holsten Gate, the church of St. Mary’s or the Buddenbrookhouse.
On our 1.5 to 2 hours trip we will come to marvel about today’s life behind those picturesque stepped gables, some are more than 700 years old. Enjoy the atmosphere of a unique UNESCO World Heritage Site with secret alleyways and with churches built in the era of the brick gothic style.Come and join us!Tickets: 15,00€ per person

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