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KonzerteHeavy Metal

Catch Your Breath + Support: Until I Wake & Of Virtue, Leipzig

Sa. 19.04.25 19:30 Uhr
TĂ€ubchenthal, Wachsmuthstraße 1, 04229 Leipzig

Weitere Informationen und Tickets ab 34,90 €

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Informationen zur Veranstaltung

Catch Your Breath is thrilled to announce their ‘The SAVAGES Tour’ in April 2025, featuring support from Until I Wake and Of Virtue. Known for their dynamic performances and emotionally charged music, Catch Your Breath is ready to deliver an unforgettable experience to fans across Europe and the UK.

Lead vocalist Josh Mowery shared, "We’ve been eagerly waiting to bring our music to our European and UK fans. The energy and passion we’ve experienced from our listeners overseas have always been incredible, and we can’t wait to connect with everyone in person. We’re also stoked to have Until I Wake and Of Virtue joining us. Both bands bring such a powerful presence and will make this tour something truly special."

Don’t miss the chance to experience one of the most exciting rock tours of the year!

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Weitere Termine

  • Catch Your Breath - The Savages Tour 2025 + Until I Wake + Of Virtue
    Berlin, Columbia Theater
    Mi. 23.04.25, 19:30 Uhr
    ab 34,90 €
  • Catch Your Breath - Support: Until I Wake & Of Virtue
    Frankfurt am Main, Batschkapp
    Fr. 04.04.25, 19:30 Uhr
    ab 34,90 €
  • Catch Your Breath
    Hamburg, Gruenspan
    Sa. 26.04.25, 19:30 Uhr
    ab 34,90 €
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